Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Mask at Home

Mask at Home

Heya folks…!! Hope you all are doing great in your life…and staying safe at home as a pandemic going on due to corona virus. And my today’s topic is on Covid-19 …as today i am going to tell you all that how to make mask at home with your old clothes. Mask and sanitizer are very important thing used these days as these things helps in not getting infected from any kind of virus around us. So, lets get started..!!
  • Firstly take a piece of cloth and cut it in circle with the help of a plate. Size of the plate should be 9″-12″ as per the age of the person. Teens need 9″ circle and adults need 12″ of the circle to be cut.
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  • Then fold the cloth to semi circle from circle. And again fold it to the triangle from semi circle.
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  • Cut the cloth from the sides to get a four single piece of triangle.
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  • Then with the help of sewing add the two triangles from the curve parts ,then you will get two curvy pieces of cloth.
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  • Now you have to sew the two parts with each other and you will get a mask .
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  • Add elastic or dori and tie it to the corners of the mask according to the size of the ear.
  • Now your completed with mask.
This type of cloth mask can be easily carried away and can be washed whenever needed. It also helps in summer as you will feel cool in the season while wearing this.

In the end i would like to request you all to stay safe and stay home and please take care of yourself and people around you. Contribute in helping people who are needy. And in case anyone need my help regarding anything or in making mask you are free to contact me through my mail id: or you can contact me on my Instagram or Facebook page and also you can contact me on my no. 8559974300 . You can also contact me for ordering or purchasing the homemade mask

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